While it may not make front page headline news anymore, viral infections haven’t gone away. Here are some common sense strategies to reduce your risk of getting sick this winter.
Continue reading “Reducing Risk of a Winter Infections”Thermography, Just Say No (and please get screened )
As we come to the end of the year I hope you have your breast cancer screening scheduled and caution you against the use of Thermography.
Continue reading “Thermography, Just Say No (and please get screened )”Are you under the influence?
In recent years, I have dedicated more and more time to debunking health misinformation spread by influencers. The significance of health literacy and evidence-based information has never been more crucial.
Continue reading “Are you under the influence?”Every Patient Has a Story to Tell: Narrative Medicine
Narrative Medicine uses a patient’s background and language to assist in clinical practice and research and is an effective and often cathartic approach to individualized healing. When physicians are able to address the personal “stories” that may work in conjunction with physical illness, we can validate the experience of the patient and promote a stronger relationship between patient and physician.
Continue reading “Every Patient Has a Story to Tell: Narrative Medicine”Racism, Public Health, and My Commitment
I would like to begin this message by apologizing for the delay in formulating my thoughts and words for my patients, colleagues and the community. It was never my intention to appear uncaring by remaining silent during this monumental time in our lives and our history, and I assure you that I continue listening, learning and taking action to serve the community as a whole.
Continue reading “Racism, Public Health, and My Commitment”Surgical Success: Connecting Mind and Body
After receiving my initial cancer diagnosis, I became acutely aware of making my day-to-day life more manageable, both mentally and tangibly. I feel very grateful for the advice and discoveries that helped to navigate my experience as a cancer patient and to live intentionally.
Continue reading “Surgical Success: Connecting Mind and Body”