
You’ve no doubt heard it countless times, but it’s true: early detection saves lives. And because I don’t want anyone to wait until they are “sick enough” to make an appointment, I am offering 15-minute “Discovery Calls,” which give you an opportunity to call me directly and ask questions about my practice, what a visit to a Certified Integrative Physician entails, what technology we work with to screen for and monitor biomarkers for disease and healthier living, and any other questions you may have about scheduling an office visit. If you’d like to set up a Discovery Call, contact the office at (585) 641-7102. Together, we can focus on wellness through prevention, feeling good, and aging vibrantly.

Contact Lesley James, MD

We are located at 2601 Lac de Ville, Suite 100, Rochester NY 14618

Follow Lesley James MD for a daily dose of healthy advice and inspiration.
